Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Week 3 Final Design Drawings and Poster Composition

This week I completed that drawings that were assigned to me, and then met with Marnie and Rebecca to finish the diagrams, do the writing and help where we could in putting the posters together.

These are my completed drawings:
Elevation looking from the Story Bridge. Marnie put in the people and the background.

Elevation looking from the river. Again, Marnie put in the people and the background.

The floor plan of the folie showing the section lines.

Isometric 1

Isometric 2
We decided that to start with, my drawings should be just line drawings, and that backgrounds and colour would be added from there. The elevations were put in context against the cliffs, with the shed that is next to them included to show the folie's scale in the site. We also decided to put people in these two images to show how it related to human as well as built scale. We made the decision to leave the floor plan without context, as it was shown more effectively in other views and there was limited space on the panels, and also to leave the isometric views without context so that the built form itself is what is focused on in these images.

Craig completed the sections that show the lighting effects that the walls create, and what the space is like size-wise for those using it. His sections also show how the footings and water work with the building.

Bec completed the detail drawings of the runners that allow the walls to move, and the footings that hold the walls in place. We knew that it was important to use diagrams to explain the folie, especially as ours moved, so Bec and I worked on those together, and also completed the narrative to accompany the drawings.

The layout of the posters had been allocated to Marnie as a job, and she had been considering their composition since the beginning of the project. We had decided that we wanted to keep the layout simple and clean, with muted greys and possibly browns and greens to tie in with the colours on the site. Initially Marnie had wanted to have one long strip of photo montages running through the middle of all three posters so that they came together into one large poster, but in the end it wasn't possible to do that and fit in the rest of the drawings as well. Bec and I worked with her to come up with a new layout that had a row of photo montages at the bottom of the first and half of the second poster, and a row at the top of half of the second and all of the third poster. These rows connected the three posters together, and allowed us space to have our images flow through the space in the middle from our folie in its broadest context to its most specific details so that our design could be easily read. We were extremely happy with the end result; the posters explain our design in the most effective way possible, and we believe that this structure really could give its users a much better understanding of the power of the river that is at the core of the city.

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